Saturday, January 5, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from Jon & I! We celebrated together by eating  a lot of delicious food that we saved for the big night. We canceled our initial travel plans for the evening because I was exhausted from so much travel already and decided just to go home, relax, and spend the evening together.


We started early in the day with South Africa’s fine Amarula drink mixed with milk. It’s a light drink similar to Bailey’s & cream.


We started our first batch of homemade wine. This is mango flavored. If it’s a success, we’ll never buy wine again. And I’ll blog the recipe later after 3 weeks when it’s done fermenting if it’s good.


Lia brought us a new year’s gift….a  chipmunk


We made saltine crackers to have cheese & crackers later in the day. I already blogged the process on my vegetarian blog here if you’re interested in trying it on your own.




We made salmon and vegetarian sushi for dinner.


This was our snacks table to get us through until midnight: cheese & crackers, veggies & ranch dip, bread, pineapple & chocolate fondue sauce, and a plethora of various alcohols: wine, amarula, champagne, and scotch.

We waited until midnight and I made a ball drop presentation out of a powerpoint presentation. In the last few minutes, we turned the computer on, we waited for the ten second mark and we counted down the powerpoint ball drop. When it struck midnight, our neighbors clanged a bell for about ten minutes celebrating the new year as well. It was a relaxed, delicious and enjoyable new year’s eve. Happy 2013 everyone! May you be happy, healthy, and successful!

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