Sunday, November 18, 2012

Roasted Marshmallows

When I was in America, I brought back some marshmallows for Jon and I to put in our hot cocoa. We actually have not been drinking as much hot drinks as usual because the days have been pleasantly warm and standing in the sun has been enough to warm us up. My second idea for use of these marshmallows was to include them in a dish that my mother-in-law always makes for Thanksgiving. As it turns out, we can’t get sweet potatoes at this time of the year (bummer!). So, last night, I had this idea to roast the marshmallows over the fire we use to cook. I tested one first and it was so delicious! I had Jon wait inside and close his eyes. When it was ready, with the marshmallow a little expanded and darkened, I popped it into Jon’s mouth where he was really excited about roasting marshmallows. We enjoyed some marshmallows as an appetizer before dinner.



maybe bigger marshmallows would have been a better idea…we’ll take what we can get!

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